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29.07.2016 / 10:24:14

Beeline expands geography of CAMEL-roaming in Africa

The largest communications operator Beeline announces about expansion of CAMEL-roaming geography. The cooperation agreement was signed with Telecel (Zimbabwe).

Let us remind that the CAMEL-roaming service allows to use Beeline communication services at any positive balance, in other words without guarantee fee of US $ 50 and as long as the balance of subscriber reaches US $ 0. Thus the funds are debited from the account in real time. CAMEL-roaming does not requires activation and it is automatically enabled on the phone. The service can be used by the subscribers - physical persons using the tariff plans of prepaid system at any positive balance.

Get acquainted with the terms of Beeline mobile connection service, while roaming, you can on our website www.beeline.uz

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28.07.2016 / 11:14:23

Andijon viloyatida "Beeline"ning uch yangi eksklyuziv ofisi ochildi

Eng yirik aloqa operatori "Beeline" Andijon viloyatida uch yangi ofis ishga tushirilgani haqida xabar beradi. More...

27.07.2016 / 11:08:41

Samarqand iqtisod va servis Institutida "Beeline" Wi-Fi xizmati ishga tushirildi

Eng yirik aloqa operatori "Beeline" Samarqand shahri, Amit Temur ko'ch., 9 manzili bo'yicha joylashgan Samarqand iqtisod va servis Institutida Wi-Fi ishga tushirilgani haqida xabar beradi. Endilikda "Beeline" abonentlari tezkor Internetning barcha imkoniyatlaridan soatiga $0,50 evaziga foydalanishlari mumkin. Xizmatdan foydalanish chog'ida trafik cheklanmaydi. More...

26.07.2016 / 11:19:29

"Beeline" Namangan viloyatida tarmoqni kengaytirdi

Eng yirik aloqa operatori "Beeline" Namangan viloyati hududida 3G tarmog'i qoplami va sig'im kengaygani haqida xabar beradi. More...

25.07.2016 / 11:18:24

"Bakinskaya legenda" restorani – "Beeline Club"ning yangi hamkori

Eng yirik aloqa operatori Beeline "Gold" va "Platinum" imtiyoz kartalari egalari "Beeline Club" hamkori – "Bakinskaya legenda" restoranidan 10% va 20% mos ravishdagi chegirmalardan foydalana olishlari haqida ma'lum qiladi. More...

22.07.2016 / 15:22:16

VimpelCom's Uzbekistan license extended to 2031

Amsterdam (22 July 2016) - VimpelCom Ltd. (NASDAQ: VIP), the international communications and technology company that is committed to bringing the digital world to each and every customer, announced today that its subsidiary in Uzbekistan has been granted a 15-year extension to its operating license. More...

06.01.2020 / 17:01:48
Объявлены лауреаты "Золотого глобуса"

22.06.2015 / 00:19:23
Гостевой дом в Бухаре


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