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14.04.2017 / 13:38:11

4G for life: Beeline will deploy LTE networks in 20 cities of Uzbekistan in 2017

Beeline announces the launch of "4G for life" program. Now, absolutely free 4G is in every tariff company.


Commenting on the event, Maxim Efremov, Commercial Director of Unitel LLC, noted: "Our philosophy is simple:" Free 4G for life". It means that 4G for Beeline subscribers stops being a premium service, turning into the Internet stage for each day. And it's not just words: by the program, a whole series of unprecedented bonuses have been implemented practically across the entire current tariff line."


Certainly, such a massive project would not be possible without large investment in infrastructure. As previously reported, Beeline's capital expenditures in Uzbekistan in 2016 reached 533 billion sums, with a significant portion of the investment being spent on the LTE network in Tashkent.


"The construction of new generation base stations does not give much without upgrading the transport network, as well as a significant expansion of the external Internet channel," Unitel's technical director Evgeniy Klyuchev says. - For the moment, the capacity of the international channel is 8 Gbit/s, and this is the largest figure among all published information by mobile operators of the republic. Until the end of this year, as part of the launch of new segments of the 4G network in the regions of Uzbekistan, this figure will significantly increase."


The Beeline technical unit has already started work on 4G network in 20 cities: by the end of the year, residents of Angren, Andijan, Bekabad, Bukhara, Gizhduvan, Gulistan, Jizzakh, Zarafshan, Karshi, Kokand, Margilan, Navoi, Namangan, Nukus, Samarkand, Termez, Urgench, Fergana, Khiva and Chirchik will be able to take advantage of the high-speed Internet.  

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